Animal Prosthetics

Animal Prosthetics

This is AMAZING, thank you for spending the time to help these animals. You make the world a better place. Seeing all the dogs and cats and sheep all running happily just makes me feel so happy!  Animal Prosthetics:

This looks like the world of animal prosthetics and technological innovations give our favorite furry animals a second chance at a care-free life. the only real downside here is that prosthetic limbs are so expensive, they generally cost an arm or a leg.

There’s been an advance in human prosthetics with the introduction of myoelectrics and targeted muscle re-innervation. I’ll leave the research up to you on what both are. As for the people who looked the term up, there is an open source myoelectric prosthetic hand that costs $300 to make, which is drastically cheaper than most if not all others, so it should be just as cheep to build one for animals. The only potential problem I see so far in designing the myoelectric ones for animals is that, for those who would need the targeted muscle re-innervation surgery for it to work, the smaller the animal is, the more accurate they’d have to be with the surgery. Have we gotten past this surgical limitation? Cause I really don’t know.

Animal Prosthetics

Mountain Airedale Terrier puppy
Mountain Airedale Terrier puppy

Prosthetics for Animals

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

In medicine, a prosthesis (plural: prostheses; from Ancient Greek prosthesis, “addition, application, attachment”) is an artificial device that replaces a missing body part, which may be lost through trauma, disease, or congenital conditions. Prosthetics are intended to restore the normal functions of the missing body part. Prosthetic amputee rehabilitation is primarily coordinated by a prosthetist and an inter-disciplinary team of health care professionals including psychiatrists, surgeons, physical therapists, and occupational therapists. Prosthetics are commonly created with CAD (Computer-Aided Design), a software interface that helps creators visualize the creation in a 3D form.  But they can also be designed by hand.


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Animal Prosthetics

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