San Diego Best Dog Hiking

San Diego Best Dog Hiking

larger Airedale Terriers - San Diego Best Dog Hiking
larger Airedale Terriers Barker Way trail

The Cowles Mountain trail that starts at Barker Way is perhaps the best San Diego dog hiking trail. After being closed since mid-March for the coronavirus, Cowles Mountain hiking trails opened up about two weeks ago.

My two larger Airedale Terriers are also known as Oorang Terriers, larger Airedales, and Mountain Airedales. Now, I’m not quite sure if the Mountain Airedale nickname refers to their size or the fact that they love to go hiking up mountains. But I can attest to the fact that having had five larger Airedale Terriers, all of which have hiked up the Barker Way trail with me numerous times, they just love to get out and hike all the trails around San Diego. Continue reading “San Diego Best Dog Hiking”

California Larger Airedale Terriers lake walk

California Larger Airedale Terriers Lake Murray walk

Larger Airedale Terriers interact with goose at Lake Murray California.

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Larger Airedale Puppy Hike – Insta360 One X

Larger Airedale Puppy Hike – Insta360 One X

Teddy is 13 weeks old in this video. He is 33.4lbs! Teddy is an Oorang Airedale or Mountain Airedale. His Dad is 112 lbs., his Mom is about 65-70 lbs.

Cowles Mountain is located within the City of San Diego California.The Barker Way trail is appx. 1.6miles to the summit. The best time to hike with your dog is late in the day when the sun is going down on the West side of the mountain. Continue reading “Larger Airedale Puppy Hike – Insta360 One X”

Airedale Terrier Hike 360

Insta360 One X Airedale Terrier Hike 360

This video is made using my new Insta360 One X camera. The video was shot at Cowles Mountain (the highest point in the city of San Diego) approaching the summit by coming up the Barker Way trail.

I tried to get my Airedale Terrier, Annie out for this hike about five days a week.  She really looks forward to it, enjoyed the exercise meeting new people and other dogs as well as occasionally seeing some San Diego wildlife. Because it can get pretty warm here in San Diego we usually do this hike late in the afternoon, and if it’s time just right, we can get up at the summit in time for a sunset over the Pacific Ocean Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Hike 360”

San Diego Airedale Hike

Cowles Mountain – San Diego Airedale Hike

Last week, after an almost three-month maternity leave, Annie and I started back on our hikes up Cowles Mountain, here in San Diego.

San Diego Airedale Hike
Annie my Airedale Terrier @ Cowles Mountain summit


Cowles Mountain, at 1,591 feet is the highest point within the city of San Diego. Of the three main trails that go up to the top, I prefer the Barker Way trail, which some people refer to as the back side trail. Continue reading “San Diego Airedale Hike”

Airedale Terrier Hiking

Airedale Terrier Hiking

Some time ago I read a piece about Airedale terriers where the author said that there’s nothing that makes an Airedale happier than going on a walk of 45 minutes or so. Now, personally, I think that perhaps running around with a couple of other Airedales on an acre or two of property would be something that would make an Airedale really happy.

Airedale Terrier hiking San Diego
Airedale Terrier hiking San Diego – Top of 1st. 1/3rd of trail

But it’s certainly true, at least with the Airedales that I’ve had, they all love to go out on hikes here in San Diego. I usually wait until about 90 minutes before sunset before doing a strenuous hike by going up Cowles’s mountain. I found that the Airedales, are very sensitive to hot weather, and so I go up the east side of the mountain before sunset (and naturally carry a lot of water for the dogs to drink) so they don’t get overheated or heat exhaustion.

Airedales are pretty stoic, and I think they would try to stay up with their human companion, rather than stop and cool down. So, always bring water for them and never hike in the hottest part of the day.

Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Hiking”

Best Dog Hikes San Diego

Best Dog Hikes San Diego

San Diego best dog trails – Cowles Mountain is at the Eastern side of the city of San Diego, it borders La Mesa and Santee.

The main trail starts at the corner of Navajo Rd, and Golfcreast Dr.. This is a very popular and busy trail. Because it’s narrow, I would NOT recommend it with the dog, because you always end up pulling the dog over so people can get by. Plus, if you’re like me and you looking for little serenity on the trail this front trail is not for you because of all the people and even little kids it’s very noisy.

The Barker Way Trail on the east side of the mountain is really a much better trail for enjoying your hike, and the only trail I would recommend for taking your dog.

The one-way distance from the trailhead, which is right off Parker Way, is 1.6 miles. The parks department rates this trail as moderate. It takes me, about 45 to 55 minutes to get to the summit. Continue reading “Best Dog Hikes San Diego”