Larger Airedale Puppies

Larger Airedale Puppies

Two very cute mountain Airedale Terrier puppies:

The Oorang Airedale (also known as a Mountain Airedale or King Airedale) is the largest of the Airedales and can weigh 70 to 110 lbs.

Airedales are sometimes referred to as “King of Terriers” due to the fact they are the largest Terrier. They were developed for hunting otters and also to assist the police. Airedales are bred for hunting and working and because of that, they are independent, stubborn, and intelligent. When properly trained, they can be great family companions, but they need an engaged owner. Airedales have wonderful dispositions and are easily trained. The Airedale Terrier, is the largest member of the terrier group. Continue reading “Larger Airedale Puppies”

Airedale Terrier training

Airedale Terrier training – Teaching the Airedale Terrier tricks

This is an incredible video showing the training of an Airedale Terrier. Not only is the trainer and the Airedale Terrier performing incredible dog tricks, but, this Airedale  Terrier is one magnificent looking animal.

Naturally, before trying to teach your dog’s advanced tricks like shown in this video, make sure you have the basic dog training out of the way.

Because the Airedale Terrier is very smart, many times they can tick tick up a trick in just a handful of tries. Keep in mind that the Airedales get board easily, so do not linger too long on one trick or set of commands. Always use positive reinforcement and maintain a calm and confident attitude when training your Airedale. Continue reading “Airedale Terrier training”