Larger Airedales Arizona
This is Teddy and Tova larger Airedale Terriers here in Peoria Arizona. Both Tova and Teddy are the larger Airedale Terriers known by various names such as Oorang Airedales, Mountain Airedales and just, larger Airedales. In this animation, Teddy is about 2 1/2 years old, and Tova the is shown between three months and six months of age.

Teddy weighs about 85 pounds and Tova when she turned 26 weeks old weighed in at 52.6 pounds! I’ve had both the regular size Airedales and these larger Airedales, and I can say that as far as personality, and other characteristics of the breed, they are exactly the same. There are just Airedale lovers like myself and many others who feel that the larger Airedale is the ideal size. Now, were not taking away anything from the standard Airedale and the AKC specifications for it, but, are hoping that one day, the AKC will recognize the larger Airedale. Continue reading “Larger Airedales Arizona”