We say goodby to Airedale Terrier Toys

A sad day, as we say goodby to last month’s Airedale toys that did did not make it to the New Year. Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Toys”
Airedale Terrier puppies – Oorang Airedale Dog Training
A sad day, as we say goodby to last month’s Airedale toys that did did not make it to the New Year. Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Toys”
This is a very short video with no talking. There is a text explanation at the beginning, and really that’s all that is needed.
The Airedale is a quick learner and can be trained very easily. But, it also gets bored quickly, and requires regular mental and physical stimulation. A long walk, a chance to romp through a safe area or a physically tiring game should be good enough for this. A bored Airedale is known to fill up a yard with holes in one evening. Continue reading “Lifeguard Airedale Terrier”
Airedale Terriers are very smart dogs and therefore usually easy to train. This video shows the training of a three-month-old Airedale Terrier puppy.
My personal observations about training and/or playing with in Airedale Terrier is that they do bore easily. Therefore, I would suggest not to linger on a single command for too long and have your training sessions at least once a day, always with multiple commands and plenty of treats. Continue reading “Airedale Puppy Training”
Everyone I know treats their Airedale Terrier as a member of their family. Actually, thinking about it this is probably true for any pet owner. Well, I guess dogs and cats in particular, if you had a hamster or a snake or a bird I just don’t know if you would consider them part of the family.
I don’t know if your local supermarket can sell you beef bones for your dogs. But, I found a few local butchers who have prepackaged dog bones available at a very modest prices. Continue reading “5 TREATS TO NEVER FEED YOUR Airedale”