week old Airedale terriers

One week old Airedale terriers

1 week old Airedale puppies
1 week old Airedale puppies

Yes, yesterday afternoon to be precise, Annie’s pups and Annie celebrated the pups one week old birthday.

1 week old Airedale puppies
Airedale Terrier Annie & 1 week old birthday party

Also, I’d like to report that Annie is now back on 100% all-natural feeding schedule. Sometimes she might feed for just 50 minutes and at other times it’s gone over 2 1/2 hours. On the big feeding schedules, the puppies are usually snoozed out for three to over four hours before it’s time to eat again! Continue reading “week old Airedale terriers”

Airedale Newborn Pups

Airedale Newborn Pups

Airedale Terrier puppy
Airedale Terrier puppy

I guess for Annie,feeding nine newborn pups was a bit much. On the second day, she would actually walk out or hesitate even walking into the whelping area. So, I decided to intervene on nature’s way, and feed the pups about every two hours, but not all at once. I’ve been keeping the pups in a separate blanket lined container and taking five out for the first shift and then the other four for the second shift.

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