Airedale Terrier Puppy Birth

Airedale Terrier Puppy Birth

Airedale Terrier birthing

Annie just before 1st. pup & 1st. just out & Mom cleaning it up. 3 pups so far . . . . It’s really something to see Airedales born!!!

This was the first time that my wife and I were at or participated in puppy birthing. Prior to this, Oakley our 99 pound Mountain Airedale was the sire to two litters here in San Diego. Naturally, all that consisted of was having a female Airedale come over for a couple days.

Airedale Terrier Puppy Birth

Airedale Terrier birthing
Airedale Terrier birthing

If you are considering breeding your female Airedale, the best advice that I can give, is see if you can attend another birthing so you can actually see what happens and what’s entailed before you give it a go. Also, we had two breeders of Airedale Terriers who were advising us. One who was out-of-state and the other who was just about 10 miles from my house, and if need be, could have come over to assist.

Airedale Terrier birthing supplies
Airedale Terrier birthing supplies

Also be sure you have all the proper supplies on hand well prior to the big day. We also took are Airedale to the veterinarian just a couple days prior to her scheduled Barrett for an exam and also to pick up what’s known as a clean-out shot. This is a precaution to make sure that all or any material left inside your dog is removed before it has a chance to cause complications and/or infection. I’m not going to give particular advice on how to do this, because it is a veterinary procedure but it’s easy to do and I’d advise you to read up on it so you’re well-prepared.

Airedale Terrier birthing

Also in the photos below you will see a little rubber aspirator this was one of the most important tools to have on hand. As each puppy came out after Annie removed the sack, I used this aspirator on each one of their nostrils and in their mouth to remove any fluid that could cause a problem.

Lastly, I’d like to say that depending on the number of puppies, near the end of the birthing process your dog will become very tired and may be slow or unable to lick off the sack that surrounds the puppy quick enough so that the puppy doesn’t suffocate. Again, be ready for this, we saw it with Annie’s puppies and know what to do and how to remove the sack and aspirate the puppy.

Airedale Terrier birth
Airedale Terrier birth

For additional Airedale Terrier information, visit: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Airedale Terrier Puppy Birth

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