What to feed your Airedale Terrier

What to feed your Airedale Terrier

Here I’m talking about Airedale Terriers, but, believe my opinions on proper feeding your dog, can apply to most other dog breeds.

What to feed your Airedale Terrier
What to feed your Airedale Terrier – My home cooked meals for my two Mountain Airedales

With recent headlines like:

2019 dog food recalls: Is your pet’s favorite brand on the list?

35 lawsuits combine over vitamin D dog food recall

FDA cautions against feeding your dog this food after a sample shows salmonella

It may well pay to home-cook for your Airedale. Why not try to insure your Airedales health, happiness, and longevity? Continue reading “What to feed your Airedale Terrier”

Airedale Feeding

Airedale Feeding

Airedale Puppies - Airedale feeding
Airedale Puppies

The adventure continues . . .
Nine little Airedales sitting in a pen, here comes mom to feed them all over again!

The reason you see the photo of Annie’s collar here is the fact that I removed it yesterday. Yes, sometimes no matter what you do as far as advance planning for your puppies and their safety, something totally out of the blue turns up! Continue reading “Airedale Feeding”