Smart Dog

One Smart Dog 

Dogs are able to read and react appropriately to human body language such as gesturing and pointing, and to understand human voice commands.

Many times the Airedale Terrier will learn a task on the first or second try only to be bored when asked to do the same task repetitiously. Continue reading “Smart Dog”

Airedale Terriers in snow

Airedale Terriers in snow

We take our two Mountain Airedale Terriers to Big Bear Lake. This is about 3 hours north of our home in San Diego California.

Airedales are truly one of a kind! Long love the King! Yes, the Airedale Terriers are lovely-natured charismatic dogs and really affectionate too! Plus, the Airedale is VERY smart and fun loving! Continue reading “Airedale Terriers in snow”

San Diego Mountain Airedales

San Diego Mountain Airedales

Two Mountain Airedales visit local park. Our 10 week old Airedale puppy and our 7 year old male Airedale Terrier.

Called “the king of terriers” by his fans, the Airedale may really be the smartest of the terriers — a quality that will make or break him as a family pet, depending on whether or not his owner minds being occasionally outsmarted by a dog. Continue reading “San Diego Mountain Airedales”

Oorang Airedale Traffic

Oorang Airedale Traffic

For December 2014 we had 7,659 unique visitors to the site!

Oorang Airedale website

Now, we’re not talking about hits here were talking about, usually real people visiting the site. Whether you’re using the computer smart phone or tablet, one on the Internet your device has a unique IP address. Our site counts the number of visits. Based on this IP address in a 24-hour period. Continue reading “Oorang Airedale Traffic”

Oorang Airedale Puppies

Oorang Airedale Puppies

12 puppies were born to this Oorang Airedale Terrier.

Airedales have wonderful dispositions and are easily trained. The Airedale Terrier, the largest member of the terrier group, is known to admirers as the King of Terriers. They have broad versatility, intelligence, and unswerving loyalty.

Oorang Airedales are also called Mountain Airedales. They are great with children and make fantastic hunting dogs, fearless watchdogs or just a loyal friend. In the 1930s, breeders in Ohio developed what is known as the Oorang strain of Airedale Terrier. Bred to be larger and sturdier than previous Airedales, an attempt was made to market the Oorang as “the greatest utility dog in the history of the world.”

The Mountain Airedales are great with children and make fantastic hunting dogs, fearless watchdogs or just a loyal friend. During the 1930s, American breeders in Ohio developed what is known as the Oorang strain of Airedale Terrier. Bred to be larger and sturdier than previous Airedales, an attempt was made to market the Oorang as “the greatest utility dog in the history of the world.”

Coat: The Airedale Terrier has a smooth, hard, wire-haired outer coat with a short, soft undercoat. The coat is tan with black markings on the back and sides. The black may be mixed with gray and white (called ‘grizzle’). Airedale Terriers do not shed heavily. Their scruffy chin hair has the appearance of a goatee.

Size: The Airedale Terrier has a shoulder height of 22-24 in and weighs 45-70 lbs. There are some lines called ‘Oorang Airedales’ or simply ‘large type’ which weigh 50 to 100 lbs. The largest of Terriers, the Airedale has a long head, deep chest, flat back, straight legs, and small, round feet. Airedale Terriers have floppy ‘V’-shaped ears, small, dark eyes, a black nose, and a scissors bite. They have a highly set, erect tail. The Airedale Terrier’s teeth are the largest among Terriers and can inflict a strong bite.


Oorang Airedale Puppies