Airedale Terrier Facts

Airedale Terrier Facts

Airedale Terrier facts and opinion. Is the Airedale Terrier the ideal dog?

The Airedale Terrier gets its name from the Aire River valley, or dale, in Yorkshire where it was first bred. It was developed by crossing the Welsh terrier with the Otterhound in the mid-19th century to hunt otters and other rodents. Hounds and terriers were the dogs of choice on hunting trips in those days in England. Hounds would smell and pursue the animals, while terriers would burrow into the holes and make the final kill. Demand arose for a dog that combined the best of both the breeds, and the Airedale was born. Its talents at hunting are reflected in its strength, cleverness and boldness. It is also known as Bingley Terrier or Waterside Terrier, the latter because of its strong hunting skills across water bodies. Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Facts”

Oorang Airedale Terrier Website Traffic

Oorang Airedale Terrier Website Traffic

Oorang Airedale Terrier
Oorang Airedale Terriers

I really don’t do anything special, but just write about and do videos on my two larger Airedale Terriers living here in San Diego California.
So, I’d really like to thank all of the Airedale Terrier lovers out there who have visited and continued to visit this website.

It’s really amazing, as you’ll see from the charts below, that just in the month of August we had over 7,600 unique visitors to this Airedale Terrier website! Continue reading “Oorang Airedale Terrier Website Traffic”

Larger Mountain Airedales

Larger Mountain Airedales in California

These are a few photos of my two larger Airedale Terriers, any and Teddy. Annie’s six years old and Teddy is just 15 months old. In the photos, teddy is the taller one!


Originally, Annie came from Northern California and Teddy came from the Midwest. Annie weighs about 65 pounds, and so far Teddy weighs around 75 pounds. Teddy may be getting a little bigger, as usually they don’t hit their adult weight until at least 18 months old. Continue reading “Larger Mountain Airedales”

San Diego Best Dog Hiking

San Diego Best Dog Hiking

larger Airedale Terriers - San Diego Best Dog Hiking
larger Airedale Terriers Barker Way trail

The Cowles Mountain trail that starts at Barker Way is perhaps the best San Diego dog hiking trail. After being closed since mid-March for the coronavirus, Cowles Mountain hiking trails opened up about two weeks ago.

My two larger Airedale Terriers are also known as Oorang Terriers, larger Airedales, and Mountain Airedales. Now, I’m not quite sure if the Mountain Airedale nickname refers to their size or the fact that they love to go hiking up mountains. But I can attest to the fact that having had five larger Airedale Terriers, all of which have hiked up the Barker Way trail with me numerous times, they just love to get out and hike all the trails around San Diego. Continue reading “San Diego Best Dog Hiking”

California Dog Hiking Danger

California Dog Hiking Danger – In the Danger Zone

California Dog Hiking Danger

Today about 10:30AM at Mission Trails Regional Park I saw the third rattlesnake for this year.  Hiking with my two Airedale Terriers here in San Diego, seeing rattlesnakes on the trails is common. The first on I saw was on the Barker Way Trail on Cowles Mountain, the second one was on the walking path around Lake Murray. So, today’s sighting was not unexpected. But, today, I made an almost fatal mistake that could have taken out one or both of my dogs. Continue reading “California Dog Hiking Danger”