Airedale Terrier Puppies

Airedale Terrier Puppies @ 4 Weeks Old

4 week old Airedale puppies
4 week old Airedale puppies

Annie, my San Diego California Airedale Terrier had nine puppies on January 2, 2019. There were three females and six males. We recently put color collars on all the puppies. So, below we will show photos of the females first and their color collar. The male puppy photos will follow and lastly, their weights at  four weeks old. Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Puppies”

California Airedale Puppies 4 Weeks Old

California Airedale Puppies  4 Weeks Old

4 week old Airedale puppies playing here in San Diego California.

Yesterday was the puppies four week old birthday! Annie, the Mom, had nine puppies, three females and six males.

Of the nine puppies, we only had three females. Here are their photos, from left to right, the colors are: yellow, red and purple.

The birthing pen, was left open so any could enter and exit any time she wanted. To keep the puppies in we put a small corrugated plastic separator between the gates, so Annie could just step over this to enter, but the puppies couldn’t get over it to get out. Continue reading “California Airedale Puppies 4 Weeks Old”

Airedale Terrier puppies Southern California

Airedale Terrier puppies Southern California

Three day old Airedale Terrier puppies born in San Diego California.

This video was taken when their eyes still had not opened. It was about a week before their eyes started to open. Even when the eyes are open, the first few days, I don’t think they are seeing correctly. It takes a little while for all the pathways to develop for correct vision. Continue reading “Airedale Terrier puppies Southern California”

Airedale Puppies California