California Airedale Terrier Sunrise Hike

17 years I’ve be hiking up this (Cowles Mtn.) mountain with Airedales. We have taken in many great sunsets over the Pacific, but untilĀ  December 12th., we never did a sunrise hike. This is our larger Airedale Terrier sunrise hike on Cowles Mountain in San Diego California.

California Mountain Airedales - Airedale Terrier Sunrise Hike

These larger Airedales are also known as Mountain Airedales because of their size. But, they certainly look forward to and enjoy all our mountain hikes. Continue reading “California Airedale Terrier Sunrise Hike”

Airedale Hike – Mission Trails Regional Park

Airedale Hike – San Diego Mission Trails Regional Park

Dog hiking in Mission Trails Regional Park at the river trail-head at Mission Gorge Road & Jackson Drive. This is a nice wide trail that goes down to the San Diego River. The river is usually dry in the summer. But, even with a little water, you can cross by going just a little west of the main crossing & avoid getting wet.

Now, the trail going up on the Tierrasanta side is steeper than the San Diego side, but, still easy. These trails are good for your dog especially late in the day, because they are mostly shaded from direct sun and they are really wide. Continue reading “Airedale Hike – Mission Trails Regional Park”

Airedale Terrier Hiking

Airedale Terrier Hiking

Some time ago I read a piece about Airedale terriers where the author said that there’s nothing that makes an Airedale happier than going on a walk of 45 minutes or so. Now, personally, I think that perhaps running around with a couple of other Airedales on an acre or two of property would be something that would make an Airedale really happy.

Airedale Terrier hiking San Diego
Airedale Terrier hiking San Diego – Top of 1st. 1/3rd of trail

But it’s certainly true, at least with the Airedales that I’ve had, they all love to go out on hikes here in San Diego. I usually wait until about 90 minutes before sunset before doing a strenuous hike by going up Cowles’s mountain. I found that the Airedales, are very sensitive to hot weather, and so I go up the east side of the mountain before sunset (and naturally carry a lot of water for the dogs to drink) so they don’t get overheated or heat exhaustion.

Airedales are pretty stoic, and I think they would try to stay up with their human companion, rather than stop and cool down. So, always bring water for them and never hike in the hottest part of the day.

Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Hiking”