Airedale Puppies

Nine AIREDALE TERRIER PUPPIES born on 1-2-2019


Airedale Terrier puppies
Airedale Terrier puppies

First of all, Annie, Judi & I would like to say thanks to all my human Airedale companions who expressed great interest in this joyous occasion. Also, a special thanks to the professional breeders and local home breeder who offered great advice and put up with my calling for advice as situations arose.

We were well prepared for the delivery and what to expect but sometimes things don’t always go as expected. The stillborn of puppy number four was totally unexpected and very sad for us.

Airedale Puppies

Airedale puppy for sale

Right after that puppy’s number five and six were in the same sack and all I can assume is they were twins. But, in all the confusion of last evening we did not mark any of the pups toenails with the polish we had on hand. So, unfortunately we don’t know the birth order or who the twins are. Though, it would seem the largest pup was the first one to be born.

Airedale Terrier birthing

Since this was our first female Airedale birthing, we are certainly not experts, but with that said, I still would like to give one piece of advice for anyone contemplating a home birth. I think the most important of all the essential things to have on hand and be ready for is the little bulb aspirator. I am hundred percent certain that we would’ve lost at least one or two more pups if I didn’t have this simple device and use it on each pup! On a few of them you could hear the liquid being sucked out of their nasal canal.

Airedale Puppies
Airedale Puppies

Some of you may be thinking what was the second best item to have on hand to ensure a safe home delivery of your Airedale Pups. Here I really have to say next to the aspirator, and now thinking about it probably ahead of it in importance, is a very smart, healthy and determined Airedale mom who instinctively knew what to do and did it even though near the end, she could hardly keep her eyes open, let alone push with the contractions to birth the last pup.

Oorang Airedales
Oakley & Annie – California Airedale Terriers

So, in conclusion, Judi & I have to say we were both amazed by our wonderful Annie!

P.S. Just a quick shout out to Jack . . .Even though you weren’t here, you are definitely quite a stud!


Airedale Puppies

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