Airedale Puppy Weight

Airedale Puppy Weight

5 week old Airedale Terrier puppy
5 week old Airedale Terrier puppy

Just a couple of days ago, it was our weekly Airedale Terrier puppy weight taking time. There are two very important reasons for weighing Airedale puppies on a weekly basis. The first reason is, you want to be sure that the puppies are gaining weight every week. If for some reason they didn’t gain any weight, at this stage of their little life, it would be time to bring them to the vet.

Airedale Puppy Weight
Airedale Puppy

The second main reason for weighing your Airedale puppies on a weekly basis, is to ensure that when your next deworming treatment comes up (usually every 10 days) you give the right dosage, which is based on their current weight.

Airedale Puppy Weight

Airedale puppy feeding
Airedale puppy feeding

Since their baby teeth have come in, we have been weaning them off feeding from their mom, Annie.

We have nine Airedale puppies three of them are female and six are male below I’ve listed their latest weights based on the color of their collars.

Tan 4lb 2oz

F – Purple 4lb 6oz

F -Red 3lb 8oz

Gray 3lb 8oz

F – Yellow 4lb 9oz

Blue 4lb 11oz

Green 5lb. 6.5oz

Brown 5lb 9oz

Orange 5lb 15oz


5 week old Airedale Terrier puppy
5 week old Airedale Terrier puppy

The Airedale Terrier is known as the King Of Terriers. It is undoubtedly the largest of all terrier breeds. Along with it’s majestic looks, the Airedale is an elite working dog. The breed excels at hunting small and medium game.Originating in England the Airedale was originally used to hunt otter and other vermon.

The Airedale Terrier – – – He is swift, formidable, graceful, big of brain, an ideal chum and guard. ….To his master he is an adoring pal. To marauders he is a destructive lightning bolt.”

Airedale – once you’ve had one you will never want any other breed of dog.

Our Airedale Terrier Youtube channel.





Airedale Puppy Weight


One Reply to “Airedale Puppy Weight”

  1. It’s true! Once you have had an Airedale in your family you’ll never forget the love and friendship you have shared. I loved Cody And as soon as I get a good yard for another she’ll be in it.

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