Airedale Terriers – San Diego

Airedale Terriers – San Diego

larger Airedale TerrierSan Diego Airedale owners usually have a once a month meet up at different dog friendly parks throughout San Diego.

Airedale Terriers have a different type of coat versus most dogs. They’re stiff coat is referred to as a wirehair coat and the big benefit of such a coat, is that they shed very little and for those who may have allergies to pets fur, the Airedale may be the perfect dog for them. This is because it seems there coat does not cause people to become allergic.

Airedales have wonderful dispositions and are easily trained. The Airedale Terrier, the largest member of the terrier group, is known to admirers as the King of Terriers. They have broad versatility, intelligence, and unswerving loyalty.

8 Replies to “Airedale Terriers – San Diego”

  1. My neighbor has a three-year old full breed airedale she purchased
    from Chicago when he was 1.5 years old. She also has a female at 11 years old.
    Her young boy wears a band to keep him from going to the bathroom in the house. He really needs to be an outside dog but because we live in the desert (Indio) he cannot be outside especially in the summer.

    The neighbor is trying to find a good home for him. He bites her 11 year old when he is tired of playing. He is otherwise very loveable and expecially adores her husband.

    He likes to bark when people pass ont he street and is fearful of
    many things–hides if he sees a fly swatter.

    The breeder would take him back however said he would be put down. This is totally not acceptable. They are attached to the dog however is requiring work–they are in a retirement community.
    The dog needs attention! Is there a home in San Diego for this boy?
    He is very beautiful but has a few quircks. He is neutered and is
    healthy. Has also been through training but is not a quick study!

    I am on the Board for Save A Pet located in Desert Hot Springs.We are a no-kill shelter; however, have many larger dogs we are trying to find forever homes for.

    Please notify me at (760) 834-9695.

  2. I soooo LOVE my Magee May, She is the most protective, loving, smart dog I have ever owned!!! If this economy EVER picks up, I would consider breeding her, just too many other HOMELESS dogs out there right now !!! She is AKC, very sweet, and being that my husband & I are allergic to cats etc., she has been the PERFECT choice!!! She is almost 3 yrs. old, very smart & I think she may want a boyfriend in the near future!!!

  3. Past raiser of Airedale Terriers in Humboldt County. Now live in Oregon and interested in buying a puppy. In San Diego area several more weeks. Love to see puppies and parents and take one home with me. Thank you Renee

  4. Hi Renee,
    Thanks for your comment. I wish I had some puppies to show you, but Oakley has not had a mate in a couple of years. It’s very difficult to find a larger female Airedale for him to breed with.

    I’m always on the Outlook for larger females within driving distance of San Diego.

    Good luck to you!

  5. My family and I are very interested in adopting an airedale puppy! PLEASE contact me if you know of any airedale puppies available, where to go to find the breed, or any airedale litters coming soon! I would greatly appreciate it!

  6. Hi Shannon,

    Thanks for your comment. I wish I had some puppies to show you, but Oakley has not had a mate in a couple of years. It’s very difficult to find a larger female Airedale for him to breed with.

    I’m always on the outlook for larger females within driving distance of San Diego.

    Good luck to you!

  7. i have a 2 year old Airadale Terrier iam looking to buy a female airedale terrier please anybody and info let me know 503-991-8112

  8. Anybody know of an Airedale available for adoption or sale. My wife and I have had Airedales for more than 20 years. Our latest passed away several months ago. We miss him. Puppy or adult–it doesn’t matter. Thank you, Stephen and Maria

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