Larger Airedale Puppy Hike

Larger Airedale Puppy Hike – 13 Week Old Larger Airedale Puppy

San Diego Airedale Terriers
Teddy & Annie @ summit of Cowles Mountain for sunset

Last week, Teddy, our 13 week old larger Airedale puppy & Annie (our 5yr old Airedale) reached the summit of the highest point in the city of San Diego . . . Cowles Mountain.

Larger Airedale Puppy Hike

Larger Airedale Puppy Hike
Larger Airedale Puppy Hike – Annie & Teddy – Looking East on Barker Way Trail

We always go up on the side of the mountain because late in the day that side is mostly in mounting shade. As it turned out, Teddy had absolutely no problem reaching the summit.

We always rest up at the summit is plenty of big boulders to sit on, and I make sure that the dogs drink a lot of water. Normally, we stay at the summit for about five minutes, and then head back down.

Airedale puppy 13 weeks old
larger Airedale Terrier puppy @ top of Cowles Mountain, San Diego California

Since this was Teddy’s first time reaching the top, I wanted to make sure he was well rested before the trip down so we stayed up about 10 minutes or so at the top.

At first, when we got back home, Teddy was pretty tired. But, after resting up for about a half an hour, his endless energy returned with a vengeance.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Airedales weigh approximately 50-80 pounds, being active and agile enough to perform well, while not too small to function as a physical deterrent, retriever or hunter. Some breeders have produced larger Airedale Terriers, such as the ‘Oorang Airedale’, developed in the 1920s.

Ex-Army captain and Airedale breeder Walter Lingo’s monthly magazine “Oorang Comments” (#25, page 81), stated that “When full grown your Airedale dog will weigh from forty to fifty-five pounds and if a female will weigh slightly less. This is the standard weight, but when required, we can furnish oversized Airedales whose weight will be from sixty to one hundred pounds.”

Because Lingo tried to fill orders for everyone, the Oorang strain size was never standardized. Airedales weighing from 40 to 100 pounds were produced, but for the most part they were approximately 50 pounds and 22 to 24 inches at the shoulder. In the United States, the male Airedales measure 40 to 70 pounds, with the Oorang strain typically in the 80 to 120 pound range.


If you would like to see more videos about Airedales, please visit our YouTube channel at: larger Airedale Terriers

Here is a link to a 360 video I made  hike on Cowles Mountain.

He is swift, formidable, graceful, big of brain, an ideal chum and guard. ….To his master he is an adoring pal. To marauders he is a destructive lightning bolt.”





Larger Airedale Puppy Hike

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