San Diego Airedale Puppies

San Diego Airedale Puppies

San Diego Airedale Puppies
San Diego Airedale Puppies

Today was weigh-in day for the puppies. The biggest weight gains was for the males. One male gained 9.7 ounces, the largest weight gain for the females was 8.4 ounces.

San Diego Airedale Puppies

Airedale Terrier puppy poop
Airedale Terrier puppy poop

Here is a photo of Annie and all the pups this morning at breakfast. Also there’s a photo of a new record so far, for the largest Airedale poop …. This one measured over an inch long. Now for those of you who think this was more information than you need to know, don’t worry, I won’t be reporting on their poop again.?

Mountain Airedales
Annie & Oakley Mountain Airedale Terriers

Additional information about the Airedale Terrier breed . . . From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

In 1910, the ATCA (Airedale Terrier Club of America) offered the Airedale Bowl as a perpetual trophy, which continues to this day. It is now mounted on a hardwood pedestal base, holding engraved plates with the names of the hundreds of dogs that have been awarded Best of Breed at the National Specialties.

The Airedale was extensively used in World War I to carry messages to soldiers behind enemy lines and transport mail. They were also used by the Red Cross to find wounded soldiers on the battlefield. There are numerous tales of Airedales delivering their messages despite terrible injury. An Airedale named “Jack” ran through half a mile of enemy fire, with a message attached within his collar. He arrived at headquarters with his jaw broken and one leg badly splintered, and right after he delivered the message, he dropped dead in front of its recipient.

Before the adoption of the German Shepherd as the dog of choice for law enforcement and search and rescue work, the Airedale terrier often filled this role.



San Diego Airedale Puppies

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