Airedale Puppies at 3 Weeks

Our Airedale Terrier puppies now have their eyes open and are really starting to move around.

Airedale Terrier puppies
Airedale Terrier puppies
Airedale Oorang puppies
Airedale Oorang puppies
Airedale Terrier
Airedale Terrier Mom on break

These Airedale puppies will be ready for new homes by Christmas.  They are located in San Diego California and are AKC registered. $1,000 could put one under your tree!

Airedale Oorang Terriers

Airedale Oorang Terriers
Airedale Oorang Terriers

AKC Airedale Puppies –  These are the larger mountain Airedales. They have wonderful dispositions and are easily trained.

The Airedale Terrier, the largest member of the terrier group, is known to admirers as the King of Terriers.

They have broad versatility, intelligence, and unswerving loyalty.

The Airedale Terrier was developed in his native England as a companion and hunter for the working class citizens of Yorkshire. Today the breed is loved around the world for it prowess in the military, police forces, the Red Cross, the duck blind, and other venues, including the family home.

Airedale Terriers are great with children.