Airedale Puppies – Airedale Oorang Puppies

Yesterday Skittles gave birth to three puppies. Looks like six or eight more to go!

Airedale puppies
Airedale puppies

First three Airedale puppies, just hours old!

These puppies will be ready for new homes at Christmas.

3 Replies to “Airedale Puppies – Airedale Oorang Puppies”

  1. Since the pups will be ready to go to their new pet parent(s) homes at Christmas time we have ‘temporarily’ named them after the “Twas the Night before Christmas” reindeer: Dasher(boy), Dancer (boy), Prancer (girl) and Vixen (girl), Cupid (girl), Donner (boy) and Blitzen (boy)!

  2. 11/7/10
    Kiela and I had a rough week with the birth of the puppies which started with Skittles’ labor on Monday afternoon, 11/1. The first puppy, Dasher was born at 4:03 pm on Election Day 11/2. Then came the others over time, a long time…..One puppy that was in a breech position was delivered still born on 11/3 at 8:45 pm. Very sadly, one of our little rein”dears,” Comet, didn’t survive after 24 hours of her birth. She was a little fighter….It was apparent that Skittles was exhausted (as were we) so at almost midnight on 11/3 Skittles had to go to the ER to get some Oxitocin & then wait. On x-ray it showed there was at least another pup. So, on Thursday night Skittles had to have a C section but also was spayed since she would need it anyway. Unfortunately the last pup didn’t make it. While Skittles was gone we started bottle feedings every few hours. Skittles came back to her pups on Friday morning still quite sedated and needing assistance to get up. She’s recuperating well and has taken over most of her motherly duties. We are still giving some bottle feedings. Skittles is a great mommy to her “babies.” The puppies are doing really well and gaining weight by the hour!

  3. My family is interested in a puppy. We lost our beloved dog in March due to old age. We think of him every day, he was an amazing family dog. Please email me at the above address. Thanks so much!

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