Large Airedale Breeder Interview

Large Airedale Breeder

This is an interview with a breeder of a large Airedale Terriers. Most of the Airedale terriers at this breeders facility range from about 50 pounds on the low side to 122 pounds! Sorry about the sound quality, the camera picked up the motor noise of the gimbal that I was using, and I just couldn’t get it out of the audio track.

These Airedale terriers are way over the AKC standards for the Airedale line. This means that you would not be able to enter these large Airedale Terriers in any AKC sanctioned dog show. Now, with that said from having owned both the regular Airedale Terriers and the larger (sometimes called Oorang Airedales or Mountain Airedales) Airedales, I think the larger Airedale is the ideal size Airedale. Continue reading “Large Airedale Breeder Interview”

Mountain Airedales Kissing

Mountain Airedales Kissing – Annie & Oakley

In this video it looks like Oakley is kissing Annie. Actually, Annie occasionally has goopy eyes and on this occasion Oakley noticed this and just decided to assist Annie in her grooming.

We’ve had both of these Oorang Airedales (aka Mountain Airedales), since they were eight weeks old! Even though there is a big weight difference, because of their great personalities they get along fabulously. Annie still has all her puppy energy while Oakley at 10 years old is much more mellow. Continue reading “Mountain Airedales Kissing”

Airedale Terrier and Rottweiler

Airedale Terrier and Rottweiler at Play

Posey the Airedale Terrier and Kelvin the Rottweiler show how two very different breeds with two very different play styles can mess them together so nicely!

Airedales are just great! I don’t think there is a better dog for kids on the planet than an Airedale. I don’t think there is a better dog period. They are incredible.

Great vid but in my experiences the docility of this breed is very dependant on the breeder. They can range from being extremely gentle to downright nuts depending on their breeding.

The Airedale was developed from the OTTERHOUND and THE OLD ENGLISH BLACK &TAN TERRIER, which is now extinct. NOT THE WELSH TERRIER, the Old English Black & Tan looks very much like the Welsh Terrier. That said, the Airedale is not AGGRESSIVE.

Continue reading “Airedale Terrier and Rottweiler”

The Airedale Terrier

Airedale Terrier


  1. The Airedale Terrier is a breed of the terrier type that originated in Airedale, a geographic area in Yorkshire, England. It is traditionally called the “King of Terriers” because it is the largest of the terrier breeds. Wikipedia
  2. Temperament: Outgoing, Alert, Friendly, Confident, Courageous, Intelligent
  3. Height: 58 – 61 cm (Adult, Male, At the withers), 56 – 58 cm (Adult, Female, At the withers)
  4. Mass: 23 – 29 kg (Adult, Male), 18 – 20 kg (Adult, Female)

Continue reading “The Airedale Terrier”

Airedale – Halloween

Airedale Terriers are never thought of as being a scary dog!

But, sometimes under the right conditions, and just on October 31, one might encounter a scary Airedale!

Mountain Airedale Learning Tricks

Mountain Airedale


Our Mountain Airedale, Oakley, going over a few of his commands.

Airedales have wonderful dispositions and are easily trained. The Airedale Terrier, the largest member of the terrier group, is known to admirers as the King of Terriers. They have broad versatility, intelligence, and unswerving loyalty.

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Airedale Terrier

Airedale Terrier

Here is a good video as an introduction to the Airedale Terrier breed.


Personally, I’m on my third Airedale… They’ve all been terrific, but my current one, Oakley is far and away the best!

Oakley, is a Mountain Airedale also known as an Oorang Airedale.

Mountain Airedale

All these two names really do is designate that this type of Airedale is much larger than the official AKC sanctioned Airedale size. My first two Airedale’s for the regular size and now having the larger size ( Oakley is about 85 pounds) I personally believe this is the ideal size for this type of dog.

Rolf – The Amazing Airedale Terrier

Airedale Terrier Poet

One Very Smart Airedale Terrier

Rolf - Airedale Terrier
Rolf - Airedale Terrier

According to Rolf’s owner, Paula Moekel of Mannheim, Germany, the dog could communicate with humans by tapping out letters with his paw. He assigned the highest number of taps to less common letters. According to Moekel, the dog was a poet,a bibliophileand a ‘speaker’ of several languages. In her biography of Rolf she even claimed that the dog dabbled in deep theology and philosophy. These claims attracted attention in Germany, as they came at the height of the ‘New Animal Psychology’ movement. The ‘New Animal Psychologists’, led by Dr. Karl Krall, believed that certain animals, such as dogs and horses, were nearly as intelligent as humans and could be trained to unlock their intellectual potential.