Large Airedale Breeder
This is an interview with a breeder of a large Airedale Terriers. Most of the Airedale terriers at this breeders facility range from about 50 pounds on the low side to 122 pounds! Sorry about the sound quality, the camera picked up the motor noise of the gimbal that I was using, and I just couldn’t get it out of the audio track.
These Airedale terriers are way over the AKC standards for the Airedale line. This means that you would not be able to enter these large Airedale Terriers in any AKC sanctioned dog show. Now, with that said from having owned both the regular Airedale Terriers and the larger (sometimes called Oorang Airedales or Mountain Airedales) Airedales, I think the larger Airedale is the ideal size Airedale.
Large Airedale Breeder

Now, having said that I realize that there are many Airedale owners and other Airedale breeders who either refused to acknowledge the large Airedale and or disseminate information that they are not real Airedales or suffer some type of maladies that regular Airedales do not. This is just false and they have no actual documentation to prove any of their claims.
I believe that there spreading this false information about the larger type Airedale because they don’t want its popularity to increase because they are fearful that there may be a change in the standards for Airedale terriers. But, this is really an unfounded fear because the owners and lovers of these larger Airedale terriers have no desire whatsoever to change the current AKC breed standard. Actually I’m hoping there is a movement to add a new AKC breed standard for the larger Airedale Terrier.
I believe the prime example of adding a new AKC breed standard would be the Schnauzer. The AKC recognizes and has develop standards for the Standard Schnauzer, the Giant Schnauzer and Miniature Schnauzer.
Again, having owned a large Airedale Terrier and three regular size Airedale terriers I can honestly say I’ve never seen a difference in their great personalities or any other breed traits except for the size. Now, like any other larger dog, if you don’t have a decent size yard and cannot devote the time and energy to walking your dog and socializing it, then I would say not only is the larger Airedale Terrier not right for you, but most probably any large dog would not be right in such a circumstance.

Yes, I believe any size Airedale needs a lot of activity and daily walks, these are not condominium or apartment type dogs. They need lots of exercise and socialization. Now with that said if you’re looking for a new family companion and also a family protector, that’s not only extremely loyal, very smart and easy to train and would never back down from any intruder or predator, the large Airedale Terrier is for you!
Personally I think it’s a shame that there are some Airedale Terrier breed fanatics out there that put down these great dogs just because of their size!