Airedale Terrier Eats Spider

Normally that wouldn’t be too bad except it was a Arizona brown recluse spider!
Normally that wouldn’t be too bad except it was a Arizona brown recluse spider! Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Eats Spider”
Airedale Terrier puppies – Oorang Airedale Dog Training
Normally that wouldn’t be too bad except it was a Arizona brown recluse spider!
Normally that wouldn’t be too bad except it was a Arizona brown recluse spider! Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Eats Spider”
Two year old Larger Arizona Airedale Terrier at Peoria off-leash park.
President Roosevelt claimed that “An Airedale can do anything any other dog can do and then lick the other dog, if he has to.”
This video shows Teddy at one of our local off-leash dog parks here in Peoria. In just a few days Teddy is going to be surprised, because we are getting a eight week old Oorang female Airedale puppy to be his new companion. Continue reading “Larger Arizona Airedale Terrier”
Teddy is my larger Arizona Airedale Terrier, he will be two in a few weeks.
Besides mountain trail hikes, for exercise and socialization, I take Teddy to local off leash dog barks here in Peoria Arizona.
Naturally, one must exercise caution when taking their dogs off leash parks and also only do so if your dog is up-to-date on all their vaccinations. The larger Airedale Terriers need a lot of exercise and also do not like high temperatures. So, be sure to take your dog early in the morning or later in the evening, and most importantly, be sure to bring plenty of water for them.
Airedales are truly one of a kind! Long love the King! Yes, the Airedale Terriers are lovely-natured charismatic dogs and really affectionate too! Plus, the Airedale is VERY smart and fun loving! Continue reading “Arizona Larger Airedale Terrier”