Summer Dog Park Danger – Airedale Terriers in Arizona

Airedale Terriers in Arizona – Summer Dog Park Danger

Today, Tova, Teddy and I arrived at Paloma Park here in Peoria Arizona right about 6:05 a.m.  When we got there it was already 91 degrees.


Airedale Terries in Arizona
Tova & Teddy this morning @ Paloma Park

The dog park areas have a posted 6 a.m. opening, but really I think they open closer to 5:30 a.m..  Today when we arrived at the park a handful of dogs on the inside, all were on leashes and there were three or four more people waiting at the entry. So, right away I knew something was up. As we’re walking from the car toward the  large dog area, some park personnel pulled up and entered the  enclosure. It’s then that I found out that they were here to remove a 3 foot rattlesnake. Unfortunately, I also learned that just shortly before we arrived, a younger dog was bitten by this rattlesnake. Continue reading “Summer Dog Park Danger – Airedale Terriers in Arizona”

Airedale Terriers Sonoran Desert Walk 360°

Airedale Terriers Sonoran Desert Walk 360°

This video of my Airedale Terriers Sonoran Desert Walk  was shot with a Insta360 One X2. This is a tiny 360 degree camera that naturally does fantastic video in up to 5.7 k as well as still photos. Since the camera seize everything in 360 Degrees you really don’t have to aim it! All the movement that you see was done in post-production. The manufacturer provides free software that lets you easily edit your videos and create quite a few dramatic video effects. Continue reading “Airedale Terriers Sonoran Desert Walk 360°”

Big Airedale Terriers – Arizona

Big Airedale Terriers

The bigger Airedale Terriers are also called Oorang Airedales, Mountain Airedales, or just plain larger Airedale Terriers.

There’s quite a lot of misinformation about these larger Airedale Terriers. Having owned both regular sized Airedales and the larger Airedales oh, I can definitively say there is absolutely no difference oh, well except for size, between the regular AKC standard Airedales and the larger Airedales! Just in case that statement wasn’t clear enough for some, the larger Airedales have the same terrific qualities and characteristics and intelligence is the regular size Airedales! Continue reading “Big Airedale Terriers – Arizona”

Arizona Larger Airedale Terriers

Arizona Larger Airedale Terriers

AKA Oorang Airedales, Mountain Airedales or just larger Airedale Terriers. My prior Oorang Airedale, Oakley, was 99 pounds!

Larger Airedale Terriers
Tova & Teddy Larger Arizona Airedale Terriers


Peoria’s third and newest community park, Paloma Community Park, provides a broad range of active and passive recreational activities to the entire community. At 85 acres in size, the new park can accommodate large numbers of people while maintaining social distancing and will draw residents from throughout the community to enjoy its many amenities. Continue reading “Arizona Larger Airedale Terriers”

Airedale Terrier Facts

Airedale Terrier Facts

Airedale Terrier facts and opinion. Is the Airedale Terrier the ideal dog?

The Airedale Terrier gets its name from the Aire River valley, or dale, in Yorkshire where it was first bred. It was developed by crossing the Welsh terrier with the Otterhound in the mid-19th century to hunt otters and other rodents. Hounds and terriers were the dogs of choice on hunting trips in those days in England. Hounds would smell and pursue the animals, while terriers would burrow into the holes and make the final kill. Demand arose for a dog that combined the best of both the breeds, and the Airedale was born. Its talents at hunting are reflected in its strength, cleverness and boldness. It is also known as Bingley Terrier or Waterside Terrier, the latter because of its strong hunting skills across water bodies. Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Facts”

Mountain Airedales Kissing

Mountain Airedales Kissing – Annie & Oakley

In this video it looks like Oakley is kissing Annie. Actually, Annie occasionally has goopy eyes and on this occasion Oakley noticed this and just decided to assist Annie in her grooming.

We’ve had both of these Oorang Airedales (aka Mountain Airedales), since they were eight weeks old! Even though there is a big weight difference, because of their great personalities they get along fabulously. Annie still has all her puppy energy while Oakley at 10 years old is much more mellow. Continue reading “Mountain Airedales Kissing”