Airedale Terriers in Arizona – Summer Dog Park Danger
Today, Tova, Teddy and I arrived at Paloma Park here in Peoria Arizona right about 6:05 a.m. When we got there it was already 91 degrees.

The dog park areas have a posted 6 a.m. opening, but really I think they open closer to 5:30 a.m.. Today when we arrived at the park a handful of dogs on the inside, all were on leashes and there were three or four more people waiting at the entry. So, right away I knew something was up. As we’re walking from the car toward the large dog area, some park personnel pulled up and entered the enclosure. It’s then that I found out that they were here to remove a 3 foot rattlesnake. Unfortunately, I also learned that just shortly before we arrived, a younger dog was bitten by this rattlesnake.
Airedale Terriers in Arizona

The park Personnel swiftly picked up the snake and put it in the trash can and headed out of the enclosure to release the snake farther down the trail that runs through the park.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any further information about the dog that was bitten and hope that it turns out to be just a dry bite. Three off-leash dog enclosures in this park are on the far Eastern end and bordering up to the open desert. I’ve always thought it would be prudent for those that arrive at the park first, to walk around the interior perimeter (the dog area has a standard chain link fence enclosing it) of the enclosure to be sure then no rattlesnake or scorpions I’ve come into the area during the evening.
Now, I don’t feel this advice is just for Paloma Park or any of the off-leash dog parks in Arizona, but, should be standard practice at any off-leash dog area in rattlesnake country.
This rattlesnake photo was not the one we encountered this morning, but, from another Airedale Terrier Trail walk. If you look at the yellow arrow in the picture, it’s pointing to my boot track that I made just seconds before realizing a rattlesnake was a right next to me.
I’m always scanning the trail ahead of us, on the lookout for snakes. But ,on this occasion, a group of other people coming up to trail asked a couple of questions about my Airedales, and so, instead of stopping and talking to them, I kept on walking, and just turned to them to answer their inquiries. It was a foolish move on my part, because I was totally distracted from scanning the trail. Luckily the Rattler paid no attention to me or the dogs.
Airedale Terriers in Arizona
He is swift, formidable, graceful, big of brain, an ideal chum and guard. ….To his master he is an adoring pal. To marauders he is a destructive lightning bolt.”
Our Airedale Terrier Youtube channel.
You would wonder if these parks have considered putting rattlesnake barrier additions to the fencing to help prevent accidents like this.
Yes, that is a common-sense idea but I’ve been to many dog parks in Southern California as well as Northern and Southern Arizona and have yet to see any snake fencing put up at the dog enclosures. Perhaps it’s an expense issue, but, as long as one keeps in mind, that if you are one of the first people to arrive at these parks, before you let your dog off leash, walk around the park and check for snakes. It’s really no big deal, good exercise for you and your furry friend.