Airedale Puppies Veterinarian

2th. day of live . . . Airedale Puppies Veterinarian

Airedale Puppies Veterinarian
Airedale Puppies Veterinarian

Annie & pups visit Vet.
Annie gets de-worm drops & pups get same medicine, but, they do not start for a few weeks. Also pups have tails docked & dewclaws removed.

Airedale Puppies Veterinarian

Airedale Puppies Veterinarian
Airedale Puppies @ Veterinarian

When I posted this on Facebook, it really generated an unexpected storm of criticism. It seems that a number of countries in Europe have outlawed the practice of tail docking. Not really sure whether or not the removal of the dewclaws is also outlawed.

Airedale Puppies

Naturally, here in the United States, we still have a little freedom of choice and there is absolutely no ban on these procedures. Sure, I know there’s a lot of people out there who think that it’s painful for the dog and totally unnecessary.

tail docking Airedale Puppies
tail docking Airedale Puppies

I can say from being right there in the veterinarians procedure room, that at most there was a little yelp and that was it. The day before going to the vet, any accidentally stepped on one of the pups, and it actually yelped louder than any of them at the tail docking procedure. As soon as we left the veterinarians office not one puppy was yelping or whimpering.

dew claw removal
dew claw removal

Personally, I think the Airedale Terrier looks much more distinctive with having its tail docked. Also, as far as the dewclaw removal goes, I understand from a number of people that if left on, there’s a high probability of having it cause injury and quite a bit of pain to the puppies for if it gets caught while they are playing.

Airedale dew claw removal

I’ve owned for Airedale’s and everyone came with a docked tail and the dewclaws removed. I never even thought about this as a controversial matter. There was one comment, where someone said if they’re paying for an Airedale puppy they want the whole puppy and not with the tail docked. As someone else reply to this comment, they stated that that would be possible but then you’d have to pay the entire cost of the pop before it was even born. The reason for this, is that if it’s done within the first 2 to 3 days of birth the nervous system is not fully completed, and the tail and cartilage are soft and tiny. Yes, if you were to wait for even a week or two after birth to the site to do this procedure, first of all you might not find a veterinarian who will cooperate, because this will be more of an amputation than a procedure.

California Airedale Terrier puppies



Here is a link to my video of Oakley & Annie my two San Diego Airedale Terriers, when Annie was just a puppy.




Airedale Puppies Veterinarian

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