Mountain Airedale Puppies Celebrate 1Yr. Birthday!

Mountain Airedale Puppies

Airedale Puppies Mountain Airedale Puppies
Mountain Airedale Puppies

For me personally it seems like just a couple of months ago; in actuality it was January 2, 2019, that Annie gave birth to nine beautiful Airedale puppies.

female Airedale puppies Mountain Airedale Puppies
Mountain Airedale puppies

This was the first time that Judi or I have ever bred a female dog. We’ve seen many puppies that were just a week or two old, but never saw the actual birth of the puppies. We consulted one professional Airedale breeder and one local lady who had bred a number of Airedales, including two litters where my prior big boy Airedale, Oakley, was the sire. I felt that I was prepared for the delivery and had all supplies on hand that I could possibly need. Continue reading “Mountain Airedale Puppies Celebrate 1Yr. Birthday!”

Airedale Puppy Socialization

Airedale Puppy Socialization

Annie ad nine Airedale Terrier puppies on January 2, 2019. This picture was taken when the puppies were eight weeks old, and these are the last that were remaining to go to their new forever homes.

You can see any looking over my shoulder and watching her little puppies .

Airedale puppy socializing
Airedale puppy socialization

Judi & I interacted with the puppies multiple times per day.

Just to be on the safe side, until they got there first vaccinations at six weeks it was just Judy and I our son and his girlfriend ( after sanitizing their close shoes and hands ) who interacted with the puppies . After their first shot, we still sanitized visitors who wanted to come by and also at this time was the first time that we took them out into our backyard. Continue reading “Airedale Puppy Socialization”

Airedale Terrier Puppy Dog Park

Airedale Terrier Puppy Dog Park

This off-leash dog park is located in the Encinitas Community Park. This is the first time Teddy, our 12 week old larger Airedale puppy had been to a dog park. There is a short video – Airedale Terrier Puppy Dog Park:

Our other Airedale Terrier is Annie, who is five years old.

Both Annie and Teddy had a great time at this off leash dog park. For Teddy, for his size and age, I was surprised that he seemed fearless with all the other larger dogs. Continue reading “Airedale Terrier Puppy Dog Park”

9 week old Airedale Terrier puppy

9 week old Airedale Terrier puppy leaves for Montana

Judi and I say goodby to Mabel, the first of our female Airedale puppies to be selected and the last of Annie’s nine puppies to leave our care.

9 week old Airedale Terrier puppy
9 week old Airedale Terrier puppy – Mabel

When Mabel’s brother Barnaby left and she was all alone (naturally Annie was still here), you could tell right away that she was sad. After all, she had eight other siblings to play with, and then before she knew it, it was just her and her brother. Continue reading “9 week old Airedale Terrier puppy”

Male Airedale Terrier Puppy Heads to Calgary

Male Airedale Terrier Puppy Moves to Calgary a City in Alberta, Canada

Airedale Terrier Puppy
8 week old male Airedale Puppy – Ace

Yesterday our 8 wk old male Airedale Terrier puppy, Mr. Tanner (now Ace) met his forever human companion and said goodbye to his Mom, 3 brothers & 3 sisters as he left home for Yuma, Arizona. From Yuma he will be going to his forever home in Calgary Canada. Continue reading “Male Airedale Terrier Puppy Heads to Calgary”

Airedale Terrier puppy talking

Airedale Terrier puppy talking

I used special animation software, that allowed me to take a photograph of this seven week old male Airedale puppy and not only animate it, but also lip-synch the audio file to its mouth movements. Yes, sometimes I have too much time on my hands. But, then again who has seen an Airedale Terrier puppy talking at just seven weeks old?

This is a seven week old male Airedale puppy that was born here in San Diego California. This was our female Airedale Terrier Annie’s first litter. She had nine puppies born from about 3:30 in the afternoon to 11:30 in the evening on January 2.

Continue reading “Airedale Terrier puppy talking”

Male Airedale Puppy

Male Airedale Puppy at 5 weeks and 2 days old.

This video is the Airedale puppy that has a tan color collar . . . We call him Mr. Tanner.

We put color collars on all the puppies at about three weeks old. Really, except for some weight differences, to me anyway, all of the puppies look so cute, I really cannot differentiate between them by just looking at their faces. In no particular order we are going to do videos for each of the puppies. Male Airedale Puppy Continue reading “Male Airedale Puppy”