Male Airedale Terrier Puppy Moves to Calgary a City in Alberta, Canada

Yesterday our 8 wk old male Airedale Terrier puppy, Mr. Tanner (now Ace) met his forever human companion and said goodbye to his Mom, 3 brothers & 3 sisters as he left home for Yuma, Arizona. From Yuma he will be going to his forever home in Calgary Canada.
Male Airedale Terrier Puppy

You are our only pup who is leaving the USA, hopefully in Canada you will stay.
Yes, in Calagry you will scamper and play and just maybe we will visit with you again one day.

President Roosevelt claimed that “An Airedale can do anything any other dog can do and then lick the other dog, if he has to.“
1949 marked the peak of the Airedales’ popularity in the USA, ranked 20th out of 110 breeds recognized by theĀ American Kennel Club.
Our Airedale Terrier Youtube channel.