Airedale Terrier Summer Safety Tips

Airedale Terrier Summer Safety Tips

When summer comes around, you have to put a little more thought into ensuring the safety of your dog.

My Airedales like to drink a lot of water every day, and that’s especially true after a long hike. But, it’s important to also bring water with you so they can have a drink along the way. I always trim my dogs coats in the spring so that they are much cooler through the spring and summer seasons. Here in the Western United States you also have to keep on the lookout for rattlesnakes. Rattlesnakes are usually out early in the morning and later in the day as the sun starts to set. They’re not going to attack you or your dogs but they sure will bite your dogs if curiosity gets the dogs too close.

Airedale Terrier Summer Safety Tips

dog rattlesnake safety

Oorang Airedale Terriers
Oorang Airedale Terriers
dog safety - Airedale Terrier Summer Safety Tips
dog safety


The Airedale Terrier gets its name from the Aire River valley, or dale, in Yorkshire where it was first bred. It was developed by crossing the Welsh terrier with the Otterhound in the mid-19th century to hunt otters and other rodents.

Hounds and terriers were the dogs of choice on hunting trips in those days in England. Hounds would smell and pursue the animals, while terriers would burrow into the holes and make the final kill. Demand arose for a dog that combined the best of both the breeds, and the Airedale was born. Its talents at hunting are reflected in its strength, cleverness and boldness. It is also known as Bingley Terrier or Waterside Terrier, the latter because of its strong hunting skills across water bodies. The first import to North America was in the 1880s, and the American Kennel Club officially recognized the breed in 1888. Apart from hunting small animals, it has also been used on hunts for larger game and as police dogs, war dogs and family guardians. It played a particularly important role during World War I, carrying messages to soldiers behind enemy lines and finding injured soldiers. However, its popularity has declined in the following years.



Airedale Terrier Summer Safety Tips

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