Dog Friends Are Waiting

Dog – Man’s Best Friends

Dog Friends

Next time you go out, be sure to make a plan to get home safely. Your friends are counting on you!

California Airedale Terriers Dog Friends

Airedale Terrier puppy
9 Mo. old Airedale Terrier puppy

Airedale puppies feeding

If you’re looking for a larger Airedale Terrier a couple of litters are due the first week in December. So, if you act quick, you can have your new puppy around the first week in February 2016!

Pre-orders for these puppies have already started and obviously no one knows exactly how many will be born. So, if you’re interested send me an email at: with your contact information and the city where you’re located and will get back to you.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

After the First World War, the Airedales’ popularity rapidly increased thanks to stories of their bravery on the battlefield and also because Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, and Warren Harding owned Airedales. President Harding’s Airedale, Laddie Boy, was the “first celebrity White House pet”. President Harding had a special chair hand carved for him to sit on at very important Cabinet meetings. In the 1920s, the Airedale became the most popular breed in the USA.

President Roosevelt claimed that “An Airedale can do anything any other dog can do and then lick the other dog, if he has to.”

1949 marked the peak of the Airedales’ popularity in the USA, ranked 20th out of 110 breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Laddie Boy (July 26, 1920 – January 23, 1929) was an Airedale Terrier owned by US President Warren G. Harding and was a celebrity during the Harding administration. Laddie Boy was a faithful kind of dog. When the president played golf and hit a tree, Laddie Boy would run up to the tree and get the ball. Laddie Boy had his own hand carved chair to sit in during cabinet meetings. The White House held birthday parties for the dog, invited other neighborhood dogs to join, and served them dog biscuit cake. Newspapers published mock interviews with the dog. Laddie Boy was so famous, he even had a caretaker. Purportedly, the dog howled constantly the three days prior to the President’s death at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, knowing of his master’s imminent demise. In memory of President Harding and honoring his former employment as a paperboy, newsboys collected 19,134 pennies to be remelted and sculpted into a statue of Laddie Boy. Harding’s widow died before the statue was completed in 1927 and the statue was presented to the Smithsonian Institution where it currently resides.

Dog Friends

One Reply to “Dog Friends Are Waiting”

  1. I have been searching for a large type Airedale for some time now I like your dogs and I hope iam not to late to buy one I would like to get one of the larger male pups if u have one left that would be great if u and I can get a hold of each other tomorrow and we can talk and I like the pup I will send u the money or I will drive to u to pick one up iam retired and I live in the sacramento area I need a companion to go every where with my kids are grown and no longer live with us my wife and I raised our children with two Airedales and we love the breed and we r ready to own another my #

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