Dog Goodbye

Dog Goodbye

33-year-old Ryan Jessen suddenly passed away from brain hemorrhage. Ryan’s donor heart went save the life of a 17-year-old, just in time for Christmas.

Dog Goodbye:

Ryan really loved his sweet dog,” Ryan’s sister Michelle wrote on her Facebook page. Hospital staff showed a very unexpected gesture, when allowed his sister to bring his dog in to say goodbye. So she’d know why her human never came home. the tender moment between Ryan and his dog Molly was intended for the family circle, it got a response from all over the world. “Don’t worry about the dog! We’re keeping her!!! She’s part of the family.” Michelle said.

Dog Goodbye

Sad Molly said goodbye to Ryan , Molly knows her human never come home anymore .

We need to remember that pets are family. Molly couldn’t protect him, and that is what makes her the most sad. Bringing her to the hospital allowed her to understand that he was not coming back because he was sick, not because of something she did wrong. Animals are intuitive and know the meaning of loss. She is sad, but will be fine in time. God bless them both.

Animals give you hope and security in life, they have a kind of positive vibe that no human can ever give.

The faithful dog must have thought it strange why the Ryan is not even moving and petting her anymore. My God! What an emotional scene. My condolence!


Dog Goodbye

One Reply to “Dog Goodbye”

  1. Beautiful- my dog, Fox, is a certified therapy dog (through Pet Partners) and visits patients in a local hospital weekly (Heart and Vascular). While I know he’s terrific company for dog loving patients, there’s nothing better than a visit from your own pet. Memorial Hospital, in South Bend, Indiana, does allow any well-behaved, vaccinated pets to visit their family. It’s a part of the healing process!

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