Mountain Airedale Terrier puppies
The larger Mountain Airedale Terrier puppy:
Interested in an Airedale puppy? . . . Send us an email with your full name & city location.
“The Airedale can do anything any other dog can do and then whip the other dog.” Teddy Roosevelt

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Airedale Terrier, like most Terriers, has been bred to hunt independently. As a result, the dog is very intelligent, independent, strong-minded, stoic, and can sometimes be stubborn. If children and Airedale are both trained correctly, Airedales can be an excellent choice for a family dog. Airedales can do well with cats and other small animals, especially when they are raised with them.
Also, consider checking out this good Airedale Terrier rescue site:
Hello, We lost our family friend of 14yrs Jan.31,2015.
We are thinking about another Airedale.
We live in a Townhouse in Windham,CT.
Thank for posting.
Hi, I am looking for an Airedale terrier puppy. I have owned Airedales since 1973. I like the larger type and my current female is 100 pounds at 8 years old. I have lived in San Diego since 1952. Phone number .