San Diego Mountain Airedale puppy walk.
Mountain Airedale Terrier Puppy
1st. Airedale dog walk in Mission Trails Regional park in San Diego California.
As with all terriers the Airedale Terrier has an independent and rather headstrong streak that can become a problem during training. Typically this is worse in Airedale Terriers that have not been obedience trained and have had little socialization as a puppy. For an Airedale puppy, early socialization is very important. While an excellent obedience dog when trained, Airedales are not always a good choice for a first time dog owner that wishes to raise a dog from a puppy. An Airedale Terrier from a rescue that is already trained and has learned the basics may be a better choice.
Interested in a Mountain Airedale puppy — email: