Mountain Airedale Terrier Puppy Dog Park Reunion

Mountain Airedale Terrier Puppies

Mountain Airedale Terrier Puppy Dog Park Reunion

Eight month old, brother & sister Airedale Terrier puppies see each other after five months apart.

Annie & Pupernichol . . . brother & sister Airedale Terriers came to new homes in San Diego at 8 weeks old. Now at almost 8 months old, they have there 1st. reunion since the long car ride to San Diego 6 months earlier.

Mountain Airedale Terrier puppies @ 8weeks old


Mountain Airedale Terrier puppies
Mountain Airedale Terrier puppies @ 8 months old

Also at the reunion was our 7 year old 92Lb Oorang Airedale Terrier, Oakley. Oakley & Annie live with us and her brother Pupernichol lives in the San Marcos area about appx. 30 miles north of us.

Oorang Airedale puppies @ 8 months
Oorang Airedale puppies
male Airedale Terrier puppy
male Airedale Terrier puppy

The reunion was in  San Marcos California at a local dog park.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

The Airedale is the largest of the British Terriers. They weigh 20–30 kilograms (44–66 lb) in fit condition and have a height at the withers of 58–61 centimetres (23–24 in) for dogs, with females slightly smaller. The American Kennel Club standard specifies a very slightly smaller dog. Larger Airedales, up to 55 kilograms (121 lb) can be found in North America. They are often called “Oorangs.” This was the name of a kennel in Ohio in the early 1900s.

The Airedale has a medium-length black and tan coat with a harsh topcoat and a soft undercoat. They are an alert and energetic breed, “not aggressive but fearless.”It has been claimed that the large “hunting” type or Oorang Airedales are more game than the smaller “show” type Airedales. The large type are usually used for big game hunting and as family guardians or as pets, but usually do poorly in AKC conformation shows.

See our Airedale puppies for sale.


Mountain Airedale Terrier Puppy Dog Park Reunion

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