Oorang Airedales

Oorang Airedales

Oorang Airedales

The Airedale Terrier is named after the river Aire, which runs through the surrounding valleys that this breed first originated from in Yorkshire England. The area was said to have a bigger problem with rats than usual so these larger dogs begin to become the Terrier of choice with the locals. The Airedale Terrier usually lives to be around 13 years old but they are known to suffer from genetic defects including problems with their hips and eyes. Continue reading “Oorang Airedales”

Oorang Airedale Terriers

Oorang Airedale Terrier

I occasionally read comments to the effect that there is no such thing as a Oorang Airedale or Mountain Airedale. There are some out there, who for whatever reason, love to put down the larger breed of the Airedale Terrier. They usually say it’s just a marketing gimmick or that these dogs are subject to greater hip problems than the standard Airedale. Personally, I believe they’re wrong on both points.

Oorang Airedale TerrierOorang Airedale Terrier

Not to go into the whole history of the Oorang Airedale here in this post, but the fact is that Walter Lingo in 1920’s bred and sought to create an even more powerful type of Airedale. His efforts resulted in the King Oorang breed of Airedale dogs. Lingo described the King Oorang as the “world’s great all-around dog.”

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Oorang Airedale Terrier

Here is Oakley, my Oorang Airedale Terrier at 3.5 years old. Of the three Airedales I have owned, Oakley is my first Oorang and by far the smartest of my Airedales. He loves his five day per week walk up Cowles Mountain here in San Diego.

oorang airedale

Oakley has been a dad twice now and is looking for another bitch for a little get-together. If any readers out there have a female AKC Oorang Airedale within traveling distance of San Diego, contact me.