Airedale Feeding

Airedale Feeding

Airedale Puppies - Airedale feeding
Airedale Puppies

The adventure continues . . .
Nine little Airedales sitting in a pen, here comes mom to feed them all over again!

The reason you see the photo of Annie’s collar here is the fact that I removed it yesterday. Yes, sometimes no matter what you do as far as advance planning for your puppies and their safety, something totally out of the blue turns up!

Airedale Feeding

Day Old Airedale Terrier Puppies
Day Old Airedale Terrier Puppies

When the pups want to be fed, they start crawling around and whimpering. This is the signal for Annie to come into the enclosure. When Annie enters she usually checks out some of the pups and then looks around for an area to lie down. Then, its mass bedlam, with all the pups trying to scamper over to secure their feeding stations. Since there’s not enough feeding stations for all the pups is a constant push and shove to trade on and off. After about the first 20 minutes or so, some of the pups fall back to sleep and open up areas for the other pups.

Yesterday, when this was occurring one of the pups crawled up and got its head under Annie’s collar. Luckily, Annie didn’t jump up, and I was right there to guide the pup out. Needless to say, it was a little bit of a scare and so at least for the next couple of weeks Annie’s collar is going to remain on my desk. I added a sunset photo from my backyard yesterday.

Larger Airedale Terrier
San Diego California Airedale Terrier
Larger Airedale Terrier
Oakley – Larger Airedale Terrier

Oakley was with us for almost eleven years. He was the sire for two litters here in San Diego. Very smart, big guy (99Lbs) and lots of fun. It was very hard to say goodbye to him last August.





Airedale Feeding

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