Airedale puppy birthday!

Happy Airedale 3 week puppy birthday!

1 week old Airedale puppies - Airedale puppy birthday!
1 week old Airedale puppies

Yes, on 1-2-2019 in the afternoon all nine puppies were born from about 2:58 PM to 11:50 PM.

After the first few days of birth, I went back to letting Annie naturally feed her pups. Well, in just 3 days, I would say it was a partial success. Now, for you folks who believe in letting things go all natural, I’m sorry to say I did have to intervene to help Annie out, but, just during the first few days..

Airedale puppy birthday!

San Diego Airedale Puppies
San Diego Airedale Puppies

Annie had no problem in figuring out when to go in and start feeding the pups during the day. She would stay in somewhere around 50 minutes to a little over an hour with them. But last evening, around 9 PM it seems she actually fell asleep and stayed in about two hours until I called her out.

Airedale Newborn Pups
Watching Airedale Newborn Pups

Then later on, actually at 1:15 Am, Annie went into feed the pups, and although I was watching, I did fall asleep and when I awoke at about 4:50 AM she was still in the pen with about four puppies sleeping, and the other five, although they looked half-asleep, were still sucking milk. So, once again I called her out and gave her a couple of treats and then we both laid down near the pups but not in the enclosure. At 5:10 AM she decided to go back into the enclosure but moved to another spot away from the sleeping pups. Again I fell asleep and when I awoke at 7 AM, she was still in and the pups & all were feeding with just one or two sleeping.

Airedale puppies
Mom & Airedale puppies

I’m hoping Annie’s exit times will improve (they did) and so we are still staying on the natural way, but when her exit time gets way too long I do have to call her to come out. Just afraid she’s going to run out of milk and become very exhausted. Last evening, for the first time in about two weeks we went out for a walk around our local park. Annie was extremely happy to take a break and get out for a little walk around. Before her pregnancy we had a schedule where late in the afternoon or early evening we would go a couple of blocks from my house and hike up a mountain here in San Diego that is actually the highest point within the city. This hike usually takes about 45 or 50 minutes up and about a half hour down, this is something that Annie really looks forward to.

For those of you who may be living in the San Diego area are planning a vacation out here with your Airedale, if you have the time you may want to take this little hike not only for the great exercise for you and your furry friend but there’s also some great views and if you time it right you can catch the sunset over the Pacific. Some time back I published a video with Annie and I going up this great trail if you’re interested, you can view it below:

Airedale – once you’ve had one you will never want any other breed of dog.

Visit Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, for additional information about Airedale Terriers 


Our Airedale Terrier Youtube channel.



Airedale puppy birthday!

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